HVC - Hotel Villa Cipriani
HVC stands for Hotel Villa Cipriani
Here you will find, what does HVC stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hotel Villa Cipriani? Hotel Villa Cipriani can be abbreviated as HVC What does HVC stand for? HVC stands for Hotel Villa Cipriani. What does Hotel Villa Cipriani mean?The Italy based company is located in Asolo, Veneto engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HVC
- High Voltage Cable
- High Velocity Cloud
- high vocal center
- Hayes Valley Care
- Hospital Vita Curitiba
- Hospital Virgen de la Concha
- Hospital Virgen del Castillo
- Hoya Vision Care
View 57 other definitions of HVC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HRI Harding Realty Inc
- HCA Handicapped Childrens Assn
- HPC Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center
- HRE Holgate Real Estate
- HMP Hamilton Mill Pediatrics
- HISA Health Industries South Australia
- HMC Harris Machine Company
- HFC High Flow Consulting
- HCC Heartbeat of Columbiana Co
- HPPD Huntington Park Police Dept
- HWT Heads Web Technologies
- HFWD Holmes Four Wheel Drive
- HEI Homestead Escrow Inc.
- HEA Home Emergency Assist
- HML Hartlepool Marina Ltd
- HRSL HR Support Ltd
- HWLUK Hellmann Worldwide Logistics UK
- HBS Henley Business School
- HSCL Hospitality Systems Consultants Ltd